South East European Climate Change Center – SEEVCCC

SEEVCCC is the institution, hosted by Republic Hydrometeorological Service of Serbia (RHMSS), which brings together scientists from different areas of research to work together. The Center’s operational functions are climate monitoring, long range forecast, monthly forecast and dust forecast. Dust forecast is part of the SDS-WAS project, where evaluation of  dust models is also performed. Research and development activities are mostly related to the numerical modeling of the Earth system components, and their application in agriculture, forestry, energetics, and other aspects of economy. List of publications related to the SEEVCCC activities is available here.

Short description about SEEVCCC can be found here, more information is available under “About SEEVCCC”.

Contact information is available here.

News on latest SEEVCCC activities

  • South East European Climate Outlook Forum 32 – SEECOF 32 for Winter 2024/2025.
  • Mediterranean  Climate Outlook Forum 20 – MedCOF 22 for Winter 2024/2025.