GMINER30: Global Mineral Database on 30sec resolution of potentially dust productive soils

Database is organized in tiles as USGS topography dataset (only tiles north of 60S are used).

Database contains mineral fractions in clay and silt size particles according to following table:

For minerals that are in both clay and silt file name contains "1" for clay content and "2" for silt content.

Tiles for desired minerals can be downloaded from following directory: MINER30
or entire database in one .tgz file: gminer30.tgz
Fortran routines for managing files can be found in both.

Global distribution of selected minerals in arid soils (from above table) in clay and silt is presented below:

Database of clay and silt fractions is organized in same way as GMINER30.
Directory of tiles: SOILPOP30
Entire database in one .tgz file: soilpop.tgz

Distribution of effective mineral content is obtained multiplying mineral content in clay with clay fraction in soil, and multiplying mineral content in silt with silt fraction in soil.

Global distribution obtained using above formula is seen in following image (for minerals which appear in both clay and silt values are summed):

For minerals which appear in both clay and silt effective values are also presented seperately for clay and silt:

FERRUM30: Global Iron (Ferrum) Database on 30sec resolution of potentially dust productive soils

Database is organized in tiles as USGS topography dataset (only tiles north of 60S are used), the same as GMINER30.

Tiles and fortran routine for managing files can be downloaded from this directory: FERRUM30

Global distribution of Iron content in arid soils in erodible soils is presented below:

References for this subject can be found here.